Start earning today
Quickly build your own circle of collectors

Fully decentralized modern art by building your own community of collectors and followers. Every time they make a transaction, you instantly start earning a 2% commission.

The same artwork can be presented in multiple, even hundreds of places around the world. Anyone can acquire or trade the artwork in the form of an NFT token. By referring our platform and sharing your link, you automatically become part of our profit-sharing community or art gallery offering a wide range of artworks and earning on each of them without any extra effort. You receive a commission on every transaction made using your link.

2% of the amount of each transaction
Earn money on social media

Realize your dreams of art and wealth by promoting works of art on your social media channels. Save time and effort by sharing a link to our platform instead of building your own art gallery, exhibiting works, and conducting auctions. By becoming part of our gallery, you will automatically participate in all art sales, and for each transaction, you will receive a commission of 2%. Everything is supervised by a smart contract, which allows for simultaneous processing of multiple transactions without human intervention. Our platform allows you to realize the potential of your dreams of art and financial success. more details

Get paid by writing articles about art.

Earn money by writing articles about art and creating your own website with a unique style and theme. Give art lovers access to the platform through your recommendations and referral links in each article. Earn 2% on every transaction made through the link generated by you. The amount of compensation is automatically paid to your wallet thanks to the supervision of a smart contract that can handle thousands of transactions simultaneously. The more people you interest in art, the more you can earn on an infinite number of transactions.

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Buy ART token
ART token is a currency used to buy images and conduct trading transactions on the platform
Your MATIC wallet balance is 0 ART.

Sign up and receive Airdrop!

The entire Airdrop pool is 1,500,000! You will definitely receive 100 ART, but that's not all. You have a chance to receive an additional 1,000 ART Airdrop. All you have to do is sign up on the waiting list and enjoy the rewards.


Sign up! You will receive 100 ART

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© Decentral-Art. 2021. We love our users!